Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Taking care of ourselves has many meanings. We need to attend to our physical health for sure, but also to our mental and spiritual well-being. In April, I attended a training program in Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors through Duke Integrative Medicine, a part of Duke University Health System. Their system looks at health from many aspects, each of which contributes to overall well-being.

First and foremost, we need to pay attention. Letting things slide doesn’t work. Pay attention to your body, your food, your energy, and your moods, not to the point of hypochondria, but enough to alert you to problems while they are readily treatable.

Second and equally important, get a solid professional team working with you. We are lucky in Tallassee to have wonderful primary care and specialist physicians and nurses. Remember to work with your pharmacist as well. Get all your prescriptions from one pharmacy. Keep a list in your wallet or purse. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and also to listen carefully. Your health is a cooperative effort. Being an informed patient is just as important as having a good medical team.

Our bodies are made to move. Twenty minutes of exercise a day can help prevent many common diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Community Hospital offers a free Stretching for Seniors program every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9:00. I teach a free therapeutic yoga class at Tallassee Community Library every Saturday morning at 8:30. No excuses! Walk, stretch, garden, and protect your good health.

Our minds have a great influence on our health as well. Stress produces harmful levels of hormones that over time can damage the body. Calm your mind and clean out the junk in the bottom of your lungs by drawing slow deep breaths into the belly. Practice whatever quiets your mind, whether meditation or prayer or progressive muscle relaxation. Worrying doesn’t solve problems, and it’s hard on your body. Let go of stress.

We are what we eat. A healthy, balanced diet will help protect your health, and a poor diet will predispose you to disease. Pay attention to what you put in your mouth. Everything works together. A well-exercised body and a relaxed mind will naturally choose healthier food.

Next week we’ll finish up the overview of an integrated plan for healthy life by looking at the role of spirituality, environment, relationships, and preventative care. Until then, relax, be grateful, enjoy!

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