Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feb 11, 2009: Baskets in the Closet

We’d all like our lives to be simpler, the chores to be lighter, and for time to stretch out when we’re busy. Here’s a simple idea that has shaved a few minutes off wash day for me.

Buy several small baskets, say ten inches square, whatever will fit on a shelf in your closet. I have one for underwear, one for light colored bras, one for dark colored bras, one for dark socks, and one for white socks.

On wash day, dump a dryer load on your bed and pull out the baskets. Sort the clean items into the baskets – no folding required, though I do pair up the socks. In about thirty seconds, everything is put away where you can find it easily, with no need to open and close drawers. When the baskets start looking a little empty, it’s time to wash.

If you have children, baskets can make life much easier. Even young children can sort out their own clean underwear and socks. Folding is hard for little fingers. Sorting is easy and fun.

A friend keeps rotating baskets of toys for her daughters. About every two weeks, a basket will disappear and another one appear. The girls have ‘new’ toys all the time.

I took a more drastic approach when my children were young. ‘The Box’ was a dreaded destination for toys that were left out in the living room. After a couple of warnings, toys that weren’t picked up went into the box for two weeks. Ouch!

A basket for dog toys is another handy trick. A really smart dog can even be taught to put its own toys away. My Gemma isn’t quite that smart, but she loves going to the basket and finding a toy to play with.

A nice wicker basket is a great location for napkins, paper or cloth, and it’s easy to bring to the table.

A rolling basket is great for cleaning supplies. I keep mine tucked away in the kitchen pantry, ready to roll around when the mood to clean strikes. If you can’t find a rolling basket, look for a plastic file box with casters.

Life is complicated enough. Next time you’re frustrated with a little task, maybe a basket can help.

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